
To be eligible for the Tasmania Police Re-Engagement Training Policy, applicants must:

  • Be a former member of Tasmania Police only.
  • Have been separated for less than 2 years at the time of application.
  • Submit an expression of interest via the Tasmania Police Recruitment website.
  • Undergo application assessment processes facilitated by Recruiting Services.
  • Undergo background checks by Recruiting staff.
  • Undergo Job Suitability testing as deemed necessary by Inspector, Recruit Training Services (RTS).
  • Undergo a full medical examination as deemed necessary by Inspector RTS.

Posting & Probation

Re-engaged members will be posted to a District, Division and Station in accordance with operational requirements and will be on a probation period to be determined but no less than 3 months.


Re-engaged members relevant rank and qualifications at non-commissioned officer rank will be recognised.