Tasmania Police Application Process

Step 1 Submit Expression of Interest

If you believe you meet the Pre-Application Requirements, your first step is to lodge an Expression of Interest (EoI).

The EoI is for Tasmania Police Recruiting Services to assess your suitability, based on the Pre-Application Requirements.

If considered suitable, you will be invited (in due course) to sit the Police Entrance Exam.

Step 2 Background Checks

Prior to being invited to an Entrance Exam Day and Fitness Testing your EOI and application will be assessed by Tasmania Police Recruiting Services with regard to your background and information supplied on your application.

Tasmania Police, as an employer, has no tolerance for illicit or illegal drug use by an employee either in their work or private life.

If you have any prior convictions, cautions, diversions, good behaviour bonds or excessive driving offences, then it is advisable that you have read the prior offence history guidelines prior to submitting an application to find out whether your prior history is likely to disqualify you from being considered for the role.

If you are still unsure then we advise you to contact Tasmania Police Recruiting Services via email – recruiting@police.tas.gov.au

All offences, including those that were committed as a juvenile, must be disclosed in your application.

If you have any contact with police during the selection process, you must inform the Recruiting Services Branch immediately at recruiting@police.tas.gov.au

Click here to view the Tasmania Police Application Prior History Offence Guidelines.

Step 3 Fitness & Psychometric Assessments Tests

Recruiting Services will conduct a Fitness Test which has to be undertaken in Tasmania. These may be in either Hobart or Launceston but will be determined by Recruiting Services. If successful in the fitness test you will advance to the Psychometric Assessments.

At this stage the psychometric assessments are conducted online and may be completed at home, you will need a computer with a webcam. These tests have to be completed within 7 days of being notified by the service provider. If not completed within 7 days then your application will not be progressed.

To view more information on the Fitness and Psychometric Assessments, click here.


Read more about our fitness & suitability tests
Step 4 Application Preparation

Upon successful progression past the fitness and suitability tests you will be required to submit an application and associated documentation for assessment prior to being invited to an interview and assessment day.

You will have 14 days to submit the paperwork required.

Documentation to be completed and returned to recruiting Services.

  1. Application
  2. Statement Addressing the Selection Criteria (to be no more than two pages in length)
  3. Resume
  4. Copy of recent Passport Photo and Birth Certificate
  5. Proof of Australian Citizenship or Australian Permanent Resident Status (if required)
  6. Current Australian provisional drivers licence or greater
  7. TCE Certificate and results (or equivalent)
  8. Any other relevant documents or certificates.

Your application will be thoroughly assessed and some may be rejected if deemed not competitive. Please ensure that you use correct spelling and grammar and that all questions are answered in full.

If successful then you will receive an invitation to attend the interview and assessment day.

Step 5 Interview & Assessment Day

An interview and assessment day is conducted at the Tasmania Police Academy and you will be required to attend between the hours of 8:00am – 4:00pm.

The day consists of a group exercise; individual scenario based on an incident commonly attended by police; and finally an interview with three trained members of Tasmania Police.

The interview will consist of behavioural questions, personal history and police environment scenarios, expectations and understandings.

At the conclusion of the interview and assessment Day the applicant will be informed by the selection board as to whether they will be progressing to the selection pool for a trainee course.

Please note that advancing to the selection pool does not guarantee selection on a trainee course.

Applicants from the selection pool are not placed on a trainee course on a first in first out basis. Police Recruiting ensures that courses have a mix of male and female and trainees of all ages and backgrounds.

Step 6 Certificates & Medallion

If an applicant is successful after the Assessment Day, Recruiting Services will require the applicant to obtain and provide their:

These certificates are to be obtained through external agencies at the cost of the applicant.

An applicant may obtain these certificates at any time if they choose to do so prior to this stage of the process.

Step 7 Medical Checks

You will be given a Medical Package that you will be required to take to your General Practitioner (GP) to complete.

This package will assess your current health, as well as previous surgery and medical conditions.

As part of this medical assessment you will also need to have your hearing tested by an Audiologist, and your eyesight tested by an Optometrist.

The cost of medical checks is the responsibility of applicants.

COVID-19 vaccination is strongly encouraged, however you are no longer required to provide evidence of your COVID-19 vaccination status.

Step 8 Review and Selection

This is the final stage of recruitment and involves careful review of your file by the Commander and Inspector of Recruiting Services who make the final decision regarding an offer of employment.

Ready to apply?

We’d love to have you! Apply here.